Brotherly Love

brother and sister

I was in the dollar store an hour ago looking for silver polish (Who in their right mind polishes silver anymore?) when I overheard a kid about twelve years old telling his much smaller sister that they did not have enough money to buy the thing she wanted and pay for a notebook he needed for school. The look of disappointment on her face said it all. So her brother sighed and placed the notebook back on the shelf and said he would try to get it some other time.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill, the only cash I carried, and told him to get both things and that being unselfish with his little sister was a very good thing. They both shyly thanked me and scampered off to the cashier. A few minutes later, they found me in the aisles and tried to hand me the change. “We only needed a dollar”, he said. I told them to keep the change and use it for something else. I had received much more than my money’s worth.

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